I didn’t realize I’ve been so silent about the PDC! I’ve been struggling to get off of .Text and on to Subtext for my blogging engine, and so I’ve been avoiding posting because “I’ll wait until I get moved over to the new engine.” Pffffft! Anyway, I’m going to be doing a number of things at the PDC, so if you’re going to be in LA next week, stop by and say hi!
- I am co-presenting “Future Directions for Visual Basic” with Lucian on Tuesday at 5:15pm in room 406A. Do stop by and let’s chat about where Visual Basic is going! Also, feel free to go to the Channel9 page and add comments about what you’d like to see and if there are questions you’d like addressed. If you’re not going to the PDC, check the page after the talk for video and discussion.
- I’ll be at the “Ask the Experts” dinner on Wednesday night in Hall G. I’ll be sitting with Visual Basic, although I might wander over to wherever Oslo is at some point.
- I’ll be trying to attend the various Oslo talks.
- I’ll be at the Tools and Languages lounge on Wednesday from 2-5pm for sure, and I’ll probably be hanging around there a lot otherwise.
I’ll be trying to keep up with my Twitter feed (my username is paulvick) so feel free to ping me if you are around. And I’ll blog some more after my talk.
Hope to see you all there!