Anand and Tom ask whether VB.NET is going to have refactoring support in Whidbey. The short answer is, despite what the PDC lab person told Tom, “yes.” However, the long answer is, well, a bit longer than that.
What C# is calling “refactoring” is actually a collection of related-but-separate code manipulation features in the IDE. Things that are included under this rubric are, I believe:
- Symbolic rename
- Extract method
- Extract interface
- Encapsulate field
- Reorder parameters
- Remove parameter
- Add parameter
- Promote local to parameter
Some of these features are already slated to be included in the VB.NET Whidbey release, such as symbolic rename, and for others we’re open customer feedback as to which ones above they think are important. Or if there are ones you don’t see there, we want to hear about them as well! If you leave comments on this entry, I’ll make sure they get forwarded to Jay, the PM in charge of this area. (The more specific you are, the better. “Do everything that C# is doing.” is helpful, but “Reorder parameters is the most important to me because blah, blah, blah.” helps us even more!)
One thing that is likely, however, is that VB.NET won’t be using the term “refactoring” in the IDE to refer to these features. While that term is fairly common in some quarters, we believe there are lots of VB programmers who are likely to see a menu item called “Refactor” and just ignore it because they don’t know what the term means. We’d like to surface the features more directly so that they don’t get missed by our users. (If you disagree, feel free to give us a holler on that too!)