About a year and a half after doing something I swore I’d never, ever do, I have to admit… it didn’t stick. While working in Windows during the Windows 10 initial cycle was fascinating and fun, it turns out that I just miss working in programming languages too much to become a long-term member of the Windows team. I had a great time working with some great people (and a few of the things I worked on are just about going to go public…), but in the end, I’ve been lured back to the PL world.
Interestingly, I’ve decided to return to the team I left seven-odd years ago just as they were beginning to start this crazy re-write of the VB and C# compilers into managed code. Now that Roslyn has shipped, I felt it was finally safe to return… So I’ve accepted a position back on the Visual Languages team. I don’t plan on doing anything specific with Visual Basic — that language is in very good hands at the moment — but will be working on some ideas about how we might leverage Roslyn to do some interesting stuff. More information to come as it becomes available!
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