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This is, unfortunately, only a test post to ensure that only posts tagged as “Visual Basic” are posted to the MSDN Visual Basic developer center. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming…..
Indeed Microsoft VB6 has a great achienvement to improve DB-Technology and Front Hand I congratulate this version
Is there any way to reverse assemble a Visual Basic 6.0 Learning Edition program that was made EXE? It’s my own program, and it has a simple-to-correct algebraic error in it. I should be able to do that from the VBP files, but I lost them in a computer crash and don’t have a recent backup. If I could get back to the original code of Form1, it would make revising and correcting the program a lot easier. I have been looking at what I can see with a viewer that decodes Hex, and most of the string quotations are visible, so decoding the rest should be possible. Can anyone suggest a good dissambler or viewer for the program? It is 92K in size.
is there a way to change the number format in a textBox to currency format after a user enters a number.
Attach a textbox1.text = textbox1.text.tostring("c") to the onchange event of the textbox…
"Working" Decompilers do not exist for VB6 but some can rip the exe apart and re-build the structure of the app… like what form fields you had and their properties – and what forms you had and their properties… this sadly is the closest you are going to get for now to decompiling it 🙂