I just realized that I’ve been a little amiss in making amends for some unkind words I had for Battlestar Galatica a few years ago. Right after my wife and I stopped watching, apparently, the writers decided to get their act together and really amp up the quality of the series. Thankfully, my wife’s writing mentor’s son (how’s that for a chain of connection) does the music for the show, and so he managed, through his mom, to convince us to come back a take another look. Once the plot seemed to stop meandering and really ground itself in the present day struggles in our world, I think the whole show really came alive. It still tends to drag at points, but we’re back watching it and were genuinely bummed when the last season ended “until 2008.”
So let me just belatedly eat my words… (munch, munch) I guess maybe the Cylons do have some kind of a plan after all…