Well, I have to say that in some ways it’s great to be back at work, and in some ways, not so much. Everything’s going great at home, and now it’s time to get back into the swing of things. Two links for people who might have missed them (but I doubt many people did):
- A series by Scott Wisniewski on extension methods in VB9
- A post by Avner Aharoni on XML changes in the Feb CTP of VB9
More as I dig through my email!
It’s goid to see you back and I glad things are great at home. I can appreciate how your work is going to be for the next couple of months though 😉
Charlie Calvert is now the manager of C# samples for Orcas CTPs and betas (http://blogs.msdn.com/charlie/archive/2007/02/14/csharp-samples.aspx)
Are there plans for a similar VB samples manager position and person to fill it?
Yes, Saaid Khan just signed on to the VB team. He will be the sample manager for Orcas.
We also just hired an experienced PM that will drive our online community content. She will create lots of How To videos, webcasts, samples, articles, and more that directly help VB developers.
I’m very excited about both of these recent additions to the team. Formal greetings and info will come out as soon as possible.
If you have any sample needs or issues, please contact Saaid or myself.
Paul Yuknewicz
Lead PM, Visual Basic
Welcome back Paul.
Are there any VB samples for Vista Sidebar Gadgets? It seems Javascript is the language of choice for Gadgets.
Mister T
Mr. T: Right now, the Sidebar doesn’t support writing gadgets in managed code (so far as I know). I’m not sure if it supports VBScript, though, since that might work. I’ll look into it…
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