VB Hotfixes, now easier to get…

I discussed a little while back that we’ve made a few hotfixes available to address some performance issues people have seen with VB. There’s now a program that makes these hotfixes available as a regular download, rather than forcing you to call support. I’d recommend anyone running into performance problems give them a try

4 thoughts on “VB Hotfixes, now easier to get…

  1. Paul L

    While this is great (and long overdue), the truth of the matter is that most companies do not have the time and resources to download these hotfixes, test them, and then propogate them to other teams. Indeed, after installing *all* of the hotfixes that you list we still had envrionment issues that remain unresolved. Sure, we can contact PSS every time we run into something, but aren’t we supposed to be spending our times working with tools that are just supposed to work out of the box…

    Instead, we made a more strategic choice to simply convert all of our VB applications to C# and we haven’t looked back. In each case, the application conversion process took a day or two (thanks to the conversion features of SharpDevelop) and I can certainly say that our development experience has been on orders of magnitude more stable and reliable with the IDE experience than it was with VB.

    Does anyone internally at Microsoft build applications with VB on the same order of size and complexity than the ones built with C#? It seems that overall the developer experience quality is significantly less with VB than C#.

  2. Jonathan Allen

    I’ve installed the compiler updates and they have made a world of difference. In the future, please make sure the compiler is as fast as possible, way too much of the IDE rides on it.

  3. Paul L

    Jonathan and Paul, yes that’s fair. The IDE is even faster at crashing now with the hotfixes <g>

    (but again, to be fair, the speed boost was nice)

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