After I mentioned that Don Box had sent some traffic my way, Scoble decided to make it a competition. Well, the initial results are in and so far it looks like… a tie! I can’t tell exactly because my weblog analyzer aggregates referrals on a monthly basis, so I don’t have a day-by-day breakdown of referrals, but I think both Don and Scoble ended up with about 140 referrals on the first day their respective entries were up. I’ll report back more next week when there’s been a chance for the referrals to die off and reach a steady state. (Although I’m guessing Scoble’s referrals may die off faster because his entries recede into the background faster given his fast posting pace…)
I guess when I someday write a “how to drive traffic to your site” entry, I’ll have to be sure to have an entry that says “start a competition between two well-known webloggers over referrals.” (Although in fairness, I don’t know whether Don has really taken up the challenge…)